Sunday, April 8, 2012

Exploring- Part 1

So, one of my favorite things to do with Elias is what he and I call "exploring".  I grew up on exploring.  My buddies and I would meet up early in the morning when we didn't have school.  We'd find a train track, a creek, a path in the woods....and just follow it.  We'd spend entire days out doing this type of thing.  Packed lunches, matches and gas (yes, we used gas) for fire on cold days, canteens full of water, we turned so little into so much.  There were times when we'd end up in different towns...all on foot.  Elias and I do variations of this.  Often times we end up exploring when we are waiting for Mommy to get done with something..getting her hair done, shopping, an appointment for work....Elias and I make the best of this time by exploring.  The cool part about exploring with Elias is everything is new to him....and sometimes he even finds things that are new to me.  So, this is part one of what will hopefully be a long list of Elias and I doing what we do best:  EXPLORING!